

Junior School

Educating the Whole Child

PTA - Anton Friends

Welcome to the PTA section!
  The PTA also known as Anton Friends is a very active and enthusiastic PTA which promotes school and home partnerships as well as organising numerous fundraising events throughout the year. The fundraising activities provide additional resources for the school, listed below are some of the items Anton Friends have supported:

classroom libraries; author visits; jungle roadshow; online reading resource membership; school council trips; i-pads; digital cameras; Bee-Bot programmable robots; picnic benches; support for school trips; batique pots; frisbees; drama productions; drama equipment; circus skills workshop; wipe boards; outdoor play equipment; school track suits; new rugby kit; media resources; athletics equipment; cooking utensils; new football kit; leavers t-shirts; commemorative coins; cooking ingredients; wet play games; books and the Garden Theatre. 

The PTA holds an Annual General Meeting during the Autumn Term, all parents are invited to join us and we would encourage everyone to support this event. We then meet once every half term to plan for future events and agree which projects need funding. Your fresh ideas, opinions and suggestions will be eagerly received, the meetings are informal and friendly and there is no obligation to attend every single meeting.


New members are always welcome at meetings.

The PTA works extremely hard and raises large sums of money, which enables the school to purchase additional resources. Volunteers are always needed and help in any capacity is welcomed and appreciated, especially from our new reception parents.

You can contact us via the school offices and the following e-mail : 

or find us on Facebook at the Anton School PTA group - this is a closed group and requests

will be accepted for parents/carers with a child/ren at either school only. 

Please note parents of past pupils will be removed from the group.
