

Junior School

Educating the Whole Child

Administering Medication

School Administering Medicines:

Only prescribed medicines can be given in school. 

Medicines must be in their original, named container.
Prescription medicines will be held by the office to be used when required.
Inhalers/Epipens may be held in the office/classroom for use as required.  A Health Care Plan will be required and agreed by the parent.  This plan is to be reviewed annually. 

A consent form form that must be filled in and signed before medicine can be administered can be collected from the office. Alternatively, this can be downloaded via the below attachment.
There are first aid trained personnel in school to deal with any incidents that may occur.


School Nurse Team:

If you would like to speak to the school nurse team regarding your child's health or to visit their website for information please use the following link School Nurse Team Website.

Parent Consent to Administer Medication Form
