Please find below PowerPoints and resources to support you and your children in the following 3 areas.
Anxiety and Worries
Behaviours that Challenge
If you would like to discuss anything further in relation to these areas, please email the SEN inbox:
Behaviours that Challenge
5 Point Scale Ideas:
Physical changes – Throwing for example; create a safe/ soft space in the house, ripping things – box of paper in the house for them to rip.
What do we want instead – Step analogy – This is where I am, little steps down to - explicitly teach and practice a new skill when calm.
Rewards – Motivation for change – change is hard, talk about rewards relating to what they need, the rewards reduce once the change is established/ or the expectation changes, be flexible though if rewards need to increase – that’s okay. This needs to be a family approach for example, so that 1 child doesn’t feel singled out. These rewards do not need to mean you spend lots of money.
Reflecting on the behaviour after 'crisis' and once everyone is calm and ready can help prevent or better manage the behaviour should it arise again. Below is a strategy we also use in schools which helps children express their feelings. It also supports them understanding others feelings during the situation too. It is best to introduce this method around a positive situation first.
Useful Websites:
Anxiety and Worries
Freeze – Leave them some space, leave on their own (safely), visual problem solving (no verbal), mindfulness colouring, calming music, allow them to ‘hide’ under a blanket, engross them in something that will immerse them (distraction from their worry).
Flight – Trampoline, go for a run, park, outdoor adventures – rock climbing, hikes, organise things, visuals for activities/ day, being busy.
Fawn – relationships, being around people, lots of positive, praise, rewards, self esteem building, sitting to ‘chat’ with someone, helping with jobs, being useful to someone else.
Fight – control of situations, lots of structured choice, lots of options, letting think they had the idea, let them talk, group activities allowing them to lead in a positive way, lego sets with an end product.
Skills needed
Freeze – more assertiveness, social skills, active group activities, outside activities/trips, persisting with something that they must go to.
Flight – accept imperfections, relaxing activities – yoga/ physical activity, know its okay to not finish something, learning that its enough – working within time limits.
Fawn – knowing their likes and dislikes, persevering on your own, knowing being on your own is okay, individual activities, growth mindset, leadership role, self talk/ self confidence building.
Fight – safety and empathy, noticing others positives, nurturing activities, on managing anger/frustrations, playing a successful supporting role, equipping others to do well.
The document below is American. The principles are exactly the same but their vocabulary may differ from ours. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this strategy.
Useful books ...
Useful websites ...
Other resources that may be useful at home: