

Junior School


Information for Parents

Office Hours:

The office is manned from 8.00am-4:30pm, an answerphone is available at other times. 


Queries and Questions:

Should you have any queries or questions please speak to Mrs Tracey Yates, the school Admin Officer, who will help you or pass you on to the correct person. Teaching and learning queries will be dealt with by your child's class teacher. Staff have 2 working school days to respond to queries and questions and returning phone calls.


School Opening Times:

A member of staff is on duty from 8.35am. Children come straight into school and into their class from 8.35am. Register is at 8.50am. School finishes at 3.20pm.  

The total of hours for a school day is 6.5. Therefore the school week is 32.5 hours.



Absences must be reported to the office by 10am on the first day of absence, and each day thereafter.

If your child is unwell with vomiting and or diarrhoea, they must not return to school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness. This follows national health and safety guidelines.

For more information please see our Attendance Page 


Time Off:

Time off for children during term time is not normally permitted.  In highly exceptional circumstances a request needs to be made to the Head Teacher. Absence must be approved prior to booking.

For more information please see our Attendance Page 



We ask you to ensure that your child attends school appropriately dressed so that they will develop a positive attitude towards school both as a community, and as a place of work.


To help us return lost uniform, please ensure all of the above is clearly labelled with your child’s name as well as their class.


Reading Records:

 Children are issued with a reading record each year to record their reading sessions at school and at   home. Once these are completed, we do replace them.



 Only prescribed medicines can be given in school. 

 Medicines must be in their original, named container.
 The office holds a form that must be filled in and signed before medicine can be administered.
 Prescription medicines will be held by the office to be used when required.
 Inhalers/Epi-pens may be held in the office/classroom for use as required.
There are first aid trained personnel in school to deal with any incidents that may occur.

School Nurse Team:

 If you would like to speak to the school nurse team regarding your child's health or to visit their   website for information please click here


School Meals:

 The hot school meals are provided by HC3S, the Hampshire County Council's catering team. Children   are able to have a choice of either a meat or vegetarian hot meal, and a lunch box in the summer   term.  The menu is on a three week cycle, and is changed twice yearly in April and October.  School   meals can be ordered and paid for, by Tucasi Scopay. You will be given a link code by the school and   full instructions of how to get started. 

 Find our what meals are on offer by visiting the HC3S website here
