

Junior School

Educating the Whole Child

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Emotional Health and Wellbeing


Over the last couple of years, mental health and wellbeing has had to be, and will continue to be a huge part of education, more so than it has ever been. We are of course educators and not psychologists however, we recognise the growing need for support for our pupils and how swamped external mental health support services are.


We currently offer mental health and wellbeing provision in varying forms and levels of intensity, with a view to ensuring these interventions have the desired impact on our pupils.  All of our provision is structured and robust, none of it should be a long term solution and those pupils we have concerns about, are assessed to ensure they receive the correct support.

Please see below for our graduated approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing:




This support is not necessarily isolated to one intervention at a time in the order shown; we may feel a child would benefit from regular check ins alongside weekly wellbeing support, or perhaps they need a Zones of Regulation intervention whilst we wait for a CAMHS referral to go through.  Perhaps a THRIVE intervention alone is enough to address their area of need and we just need to check in regularly to ensure all is well.  So this support can take on a variety of forms and is very much about the needs of the individual.


However, it is also important to recognise that as a school, the children’s emotional needs are at the forefront of what we do on a day to day basis, whether it be myself checking in with pupils, rewards and celebrations of achievement, our regular PSHE curriculum sessions or our numerous enrichment opportunities.


I am hoping this gives you some insight into what we deliver and the importance we place on this aspect of your child’s development.


If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Smith our Pastoral Support Assistant via the office.

