Home Learning at Anton Junior School
Key Principles
Half Termly Maths, English and Topic Tasks
(To be completed across the half term and submitted on the due date)
Recognition and Rewards
We encourage our children to be motivated, committed and engaged in all of their learning, including tasks completed at home. Intrinsic rewards are promoted through our Anton Values so children choose to have high aspirations for themselves, take pride in their work and demonstrate a love of learning.
To supplement this, the children that demonstrate effort will also receive House Points, verbal and/or written feedback, stickers and Headteacher Awards.
Those that show consistency and commitment will be able to earn awards as follows:
All Autumn term homework completed – Bronze Award
All Spring term homework completed – Silver Award
All Summer term homework completed – Gold Award
If a child has missed out on an award for one term, they still have the opportunity to earn an award the following term e.g. A child may not complete all homework in Autumn but have managed all Spring homework, which means they earn a bronze award for that term instead. They can then go on to earn a silver award in the summer term, if they remain consistent.
Supporting spellings at home
At Anton, we believe that teaching the children to become confident spellers is an important life skill. Each week, the children have a different set of words – linking to a spelling rule or statutory word list – that they will practice during three discrete spelling lessons. They will then be assessed on these words on a Friday through a dictation. These words can be found on the bottom on the half-termly homework and will also be uploaded to spelling shed each week. As part of their half-termly homework, we do ask that the children learn their spellings each week. We understand that it can be difficult to find the time during the week, however little and often is often the best strategy e.g. while making dinner, walking to school, while the bath is running etc…
To support you with this, we have created a simple guide on how to use spelling shed and attached some short (and hopefully fun) activity ideas to support the children learning their spellings at home.
For any further information, please do not hesitate to get in contact with your child’s class teacher.
Spelling shed is a fun and interactive website where children can practice their weekly spellings. All children have their own logins and will receive weekly assignments (games to play) that have been set by their class teacher and are linked to their weekly spellings.
Visit: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login or download the Spelling Shed App.
Login using your child’s username and password, which should be stuck on the inside of their yellow reading diary.
When you have clicked on your child’s assignment for the week, they will be given the option to play different games. They will also be given the option to select the level of difficulty for each game from easy to extreme! They will have the opportunity to earn points and buy clothing/accessories for their avatar.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I help my child?
What if we do not fully understand the task?
My child does not like to sit and complete schoolwork, what should I do?
What if my child is becoming distressed?
I want extra home learning for my child – what can I give them?
Using Google Classrooms
During individual periods of isolation at home related to Covid-19, the teachers will engage the children in learning via Google Classrooms; all of our pupils have been given a login and password, so that they can access their own class.
The children will be able to access any learning that is assigned to their class by the teacher. This will allow them to work in parallel with the rest of their peers in school.
We have posted some information below, which should support you to help your child in accessing materials and sending their work back.
If you have any concerns or queries about Google Classrooms, please email the admin team at
adminoffice@anton-jun.hants.sch.uk, they will then forward your message to a member of staff that will be able to help.
Other useful home learning links