

Junior School

Educating the Whole Child


Our PSHE curriculum


We follow the SCARF scheme for our PSHE curriculum. 


  • SCARF provides a whole-school approach to building essential foundations – crucial for children to achieve their best, academically and socially
  • Supports learning across all ages
  • Timetabled lessons to support mental health & wellbeing
  • Covers all the new DfE statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education
  • Regularly updated online curriculum
  • Supports our school in meeting  Ofsted’s expectations
  • UK's leading charity provider – not for profit

Click here to find out more about Coram Life Education & SCARF



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


  • Me and My Relationships
  • Allocating Houses
  • Valuing Difference
  • Anti-Bullying week
  • Keeping Myself Safe
  • Children’s Mental Health week
  • Rights and  Responsibilities
  • Being My Best
  • Growing and Changing

(includes RSE related work)

Anton Values

Kindness and Respect

Innovation and a Love of Learning


Resilience and Independence


Kindness and Respect

Links to keys 



Giving – do things for others  

Relating – connect with people  

Resilience – find ways to bounce back 

Meaning – be part of something bigger 

Giving – do things for others 

Trying Out – keep learning new things 

Acceptance – be comfortable with who you are 


Exercising – take care of your body 

Emotions – look for what’s good 

Direction – have goals to look forward to 


Giving – do things for others  

Awareness – live life mindfully 

Resilience – find ways to bounce back 

Meaning – be part of something bigger 


Awareness – live life mindfully 

Trying Out – keep learning new things 

Acceptance – be comfortable with who you are 


Giving – do things for others  

Exercising – take care of your body 

Direction – have goals to look forward to 

Emotions – look for what’s good 

Safeguarding coverage

Bullying (all)

Online bullying (all)

Peer on peer abuse (all)

Forced marriage (y6)

FGM (y6)

Physical abuse (y6)

Taking risks (y5)

Bullying (all)

Stereotypes (all)

Diversity (all)

Prejudices (all)

Racism (y3/5/6)

Discrimination (y5)

Gender identity (y5)

Unwanted touch (y4)

Bullying (all)

Online bullying (all)

Substance misuse (all)

Online risks (y6)

Emotional abuse (y6)

Peer influence (y4/5/6)

Taking risks (y3/4)

Media influences (y3/4)

Consent (y3)

Bullying (all)

Online bullying (all)

Obesity (y5)

Media influences (y4/5/6)

Stereotypes (y6)

Online risks (y6)


Taking risks (all)

First aid (all)

Substance abuse (y5)

Media influences (y3/5)


Bullying (all)

LGBT (all)

Inappropriate touch (y5/6)

Media influences (y6)

Stereotypes (y6)

Peer pressure (y5/6)

FGM (y6)

Keeping secrets (y5/6)

Consent (y5/6)

Homophobic abuse (y5)

Protected characteristics coverage



Age (y3/5/6)

Disability (y3/6)

Marriage and civil partnership (y6)

Race (y3/5/6)

Religion or belief (all)

Sex (y3/5/6)             

Sexual orientation (y3/5/6)

Age (y6)

Age (y6)

Disability (y3)

Gender reassignment (y3)

Pregnancy and maternity (y6)

Age (y4)

Disability (y6)

Gender reassignment (y6)

Marriage and civil partnership (y4)

Religion or belief (y4/6)

Sex (y4/5/6)

Sexual orientation (y4/5/6)
