

Junior School

Educating the Whole Child

School Uniform





Other information

Bottle green sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan with AJS logo


Children may wear a plain bottle green school jumper available from supermarkets.

White shirt, polo shirt or blouse



Grey/black trousers/smart shorts or a grey/black pinafore dress/skirt

Leggings/cycling shorts should NOT be worn.


In summer months a green and white checked dress may be worn.

Flat heeled black shoes (no trainers unless exceptional circumstances and agreed with headteacher)





  • Our PE kit consists of a plain green t-shirt and bottle green football shorts (not cycling shorts).
  • Children will wear trainers for PE sessions outdoors.
  • In the colder months, green or dark coloured (black, grey, dark blue) tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirts should be worn (not leggings).
  • Long hair is to be tied back.
  • Football strips are not suitable for PE lessons.
  • Children will need a clearly labelled bag for PE clothes, which will hang in the cloakroom throughout the week and will be brought home for washing at the end of each half-term.


  • On health and safety grounds children are encouraged not to wear jewellery, as this can cause problems with safety during the school day.
  • Small plain studs in pierced ears, small watches (excluding smart watches) and small objects of religious significance are allowed.
  • For safety reasons, the county stipulates that the wearing of earrings during PE lessons is forbidden.
  • If a child cannot remove an earring it must be covered.
  • Medical bracelets and medical necklaces are exempt from these rules.

Make up and hair

  • Make up (including nail varnish) are not permitted to be worn in school.
  • Haircuts should be appropriate for school and not classed as ‘extreme’ e.g. completely shaved heads, shaved designs/patterns, Mohawk cuts or dyed hair.
  • Hair accessories such as hair bands should be discreet e.g. no oversized bows, novelty headbands etc.

Coats and bags

  • Children should be encouraged to make sensible choices on what they wear depending on different weathers. Plain coats should be worn and wellies may be worn in extremely bad weather; these must be changed into school shoes when in school.
  • Bags are not necessary, and we do not encourage them to be brought in, as the school will provide all necessary items.
  • Should your child wish to bring a bag, it needs to be an appropriate size and weight as it will sit on a peg during the school day.


It is important that we fully prepare children for future life where they may be required to wear a uniform or conform to a strict dress code in work.

Maintaining a suitable School Uniform Policy, ensures that they are well-equipped to understand these high expectations.
