

Junior School


Internet Safety

Safer Internet

Internet safety is an important part of children’s education in today’s digital world and is embedded throughout their learning at school.


We live in an ever changing world of technology, social media, apps and gaming. It is very hard to keep up with the fast pace of this changing world but it is important that we are aware of apps and games that children are accessing so we can all use the internet and digital media in a safe and secure way.


What Happens in an Internet Minute?





The numbers for these services are so enormous that they can only be shown using the 60 second time scale. Any bigger, and our brains can’t even process these massive quantities in any useful capacity.


Internet safety is taught to all of our pupils. We explain and demonstrate how to stay safe and behave appropriately online. Any e-safety incidents at school are recorded and managed appropriately.





Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6


Self-image and identity: Children can explain what is meant by the term ‘identity’ and explain how they can represent themselves in different ways online.

Children can explain ways in which and why they might change their identity depending on what they are doing online (e.g. gaming; using an avatar; social media)

Privacy and security: Children create a strong password and explain why a strong password is important.

Online bullying and relationships: Children define cyberbullying, understanding that it can happen via a range of devices and know who to tell if they encounter cyberbullying.

Copyright and ownership: Children learn to explain why copying someone else’s work from the internet without permission may cause problems. 

Online reputation and managing online information: Children understand what is meant by personal information and who this might be shared with.

Health, well-being and lifestyle: Children understand the negative impact of spending too much time on technology.

Online bullying, self-image and identity: Children can articulate what actions could be taken if they are uncomfortable or upset online, e.g. report abuse or speak to a trusted adult.

Copyright and ownership: When searching the internet for information, children can explain why they need to consider who owns it and whether they have the right to use it.

Privacy and security: Children learn how to describe strategies for keeping personal information private depending on the context.

Online reputation and online relationships: Children understand that their online activity will create a digital footprint which they are responsible for and they must be alert and remain safe whilst using the internet.

Managing online information: Children become aware of how to ‘opt out’ and understand that information that you provide could be used for a variety of purposes.

Health, well-being and lifestyle: Children can identity times or situations where they might need to limit the amount of time spent on technology.  

Managing online information, self-image and identity: Children discover that not everything they see online is true and to recognise when, why and how photographs we see online may have been edited.

Online bullying: Children know steps to take and services they can contact.

Online relationships: Children understand how to make positive contributions to online communities

Privacy and security: Children learn how to create strong passwords using a set of rules for use across different platforms.

Copyright and ownership: Children can assess and justify when it is acceptable to use the work of others.

Online reputation, health, well-being and lifestyle: Children can talk about what games they enjoy playing and what good choices are when playing games e.g. content and screen time.



Managing online information and copyright and ownership: Children identify secure websites and why these are more trustworthy and acknowledge sources used from the internet.

Privacy and security: Children learn what to do if a password is lost or stolen.

Online reputation and relationships: Children understand how to communicate respectfully and safely through Google Classroom class blog

Online bullying: Children are able to identify a range of ways to report concerns both in school and at home

Health and wellbeing: Children learn how to describe common systems that regulate age-related content and describe their purpose.


Self-image and identity: Children describe issues online that might make others upset.


Here are 7 questions to ask your child:


  • Which apps/games are you using at the moment?
  • Which websites do you enjoy using? Why?
  • How does this game work? Can I play too?
  • Do you have any online friends?
  • Do you know where to go for help?
  • Do you know what your personal information is?
  • Do you know your limits?

Online support links ...

Helpful Documents
