Good afternoon all from Stone Farm.
What a fantastic day! We have had beautiful weather here all day with the sun shining on us at the beach and during our afternoon farm duties. The children have had a fantastic day exploring the beach, completing the stone tower challenge (and setting a new stone tower record of 17!). After lunch, we headed off to Bude swimming pool where we enjoyed the wave machine, water slide and splashing around in the pool (always a highlight of the week).
It was the best day of the week for farm duties today as the sun shone brightly and warmed us all up nicely. After lots of cuddles (see photos) with the guinea pigs, rabbits and chicks we have headed back in for an Italian inspired dinner!
Tonight we are having a camp fire in small groups to toast marshmellows and reflect on the week alongside some game time in the barn and another go at the Stone Farm maze. Following this, we have the Stone Farm talent show, which some of the children have been practising for all week!
We are nearly at the end of what has been a brilliant week during which the children have done us, and you, really proud. They are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and I expect we will be back (traffic permitting) some time between 2pm and 3pm. We will keep you informed via the school office as often as we can. Upon our arrival back at school, we will get the children to take cases up to the MADD room, which is where you will be able to collect them (and their bags) from.
Enjoy your evening until we all see you tomorrow.
Mr Rist