

Junior School

Educating the Whole Child

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  • East Dene - Day 1 final pictures

    Tue 10 Mar 2020 Mr Deery
  • East Dene - Day 1 extra pictures

    Tue 10 Mar 2020 Mr Deery
  • East Dene - Day 1

    Tue 10 Mar 2020 Mr Deery

    Good evening,


    Well what a first day we have had!


    After waving good bye at the beginning of the day, we began our journey towards the ferry port. Soon, we were boarding the ferry and our crossing began. Despite a slight chop in the water created by the wind, we made it safely to the other side. A short 30 minute journey was all that was left before we arrived at our home for the next few days.


    Gasps and ooohs were aplenty as we pulled up to the beautiful building, the excitement was clear for all to see. Once we had eaten, we popped our stuff into our rooms and started the days activities. With an initial tour of the sight, we learnt about dinner times, the site boundaries and had an opportunity to explore the incredible forest area. Following on from this, we made our way down the hill to the beautiful (although very cold and windy) beach to begin our much anticipated rock pooling. Despite blustery conditions, we caught a vast range of aquatic wildlife, including some enormous crabs. Many of the children chose to hold and pick up the crabs - it was noted how few staff chose to do the same!! After sharing our collections with other groups, we returned to the (much warmer!) house. 


    We have just finished our delicious dinner, where we were treated to hearty portions and tasty pudding. It's now time to head out for our evening games, where hopefully the final reams of energy will be used up before settling in for a much needed night of sleep. 


    I hope you have a lovely evening and I look forward to updating you tomorrow after a brilliant first full day.


    Goodbye for now, 


    Mr Deery. 

  • Coronavirus Update

    Mon 09 Mar 2020

    Latest update 3.15pm


    Message to schools from Hampshire LA: 


    Having sought advice from experts from Public Health England (PHE), we can reassure schools that no further action is required and that schools can continue to operate as normal. Should the need arise, PHE will trace anyone who has had close contact with a confirmed case during the infectious period to provide the appropriate health advice. Anyone who has not been contacted directly by PHE should continue to go about their daily routine as normal and is asked to follow the publicly available health guidance at

    The Department for Education has set up a general helpline for educational settings and parents for queries or concerns relating to Coronavirus.





    Please continue to promote the simple measures school communities can take to reduce the spread of infections, including Coronavirus:


    •       Washing hands often with soap and water, for a minimum of 20 seconds, especially after using public transport

    •       If soap and water is unavailable, using alcohol-based hand sanitiser

    •       Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands

    •       Catching coughs or sneezes in a tissue. Then bin the tissue, and wash hands, or use a sanitiser gel.


    For the latest information and advice on the virus, go to





    Department for Education coronavirus helpline

    The Department for Education coronavirus helpline is now available to answer questions about COVID-19 relating to education and children’s social care. Staff, parents and young people can contact this helpline as follows:

    Phone: 0800 046 8687
    Opening hours: 8am to 6pm (Monday to Friday)




    Updated at 1pm


    The most up to date advice we have been given is for parents to contact 111 directly and follow advice given.  If we receive any further information we will update you again.


    Miss L Hodgkinson



    Updated at 10am

    We understand that parents have received conflicting advice from 111, we have contacted 111 to alert them to this and to ask for advice as a school.


    The most up to date advice we have been given is for parents to contact 111 directly and follow advice given.  If we receive any further information we will update you again.


    Miss L Hodgkinson



    Dear parents/carers,


    If you or your family attended Andover Leisure Centre this weekend please contact 111 to seek advice on self isolation.


    Please follow the advice given by your call to 111 and inform the school of any advised self isolation period.  Please do not send children into school today or until 111 advise you to do so.



    Miss L Hodgkinson


  • Stone Farm day 4 final pictures

    Thu 27 Feb 2020
    The final few!
  • Stone Farm day 4 even more pictures!

    Thu 27 Feb 2020
    A few more from today...!
  • Stone Farm day 4 more pictures

    Thu 27 Feb 2020
    More pictures from today...
  • Stone Farm Day 4 (Beach and Pool)

    Thu 27 Feb 2020

    Good afternoon all from Stone Farm.


    What a fantastic day! We have had beautiful weather here all day with the sun shining on us at the beach and during our afternoon farm duties.  The children have had a fantastic day exploring the beach, completing the stone tower challenge (and setting a new stone tower record of 17!).  After lunch, we headed off to Bude swimming pool where we enjoyed the wave machine, water slide and splashing around in the pool (always a highlight of the week).


    It was the best day of the week for farm duties today as the sun shone brightly and warmed us all up nicely.  After lots of cuddles (see photos) with the guinea pigs, rabbits and chicks we have headed back in for an Italian inspired dinner!


    Tonight we are having a camp fire in small groups to toast marshmellows and reflect on the week alongside some game time in the barn and another go at the Stone Farm maze.  Following this, we have the Stone Farm talent show, which some of the children have been practising for all week!  


    We are nearly at the end of what has been a brilliant week during which the children have done us, and you, really proud.  They are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and I expect we will be back (traffic permitting) some time between 2pm and 3pm.  We will keep you informed via the school office as often as we can. Upon our arrival back at school, we will get the children to take cases up to the MADD room, which is where you will be able to collect them (and their bags) from.


    Enjoy your evening until we all see you tomorrow.




    Mr Rist

  • Stone Farm day 3 final pictures

    Wed 26 Feb 2020
    The final pictures from today.
  • Stone Farm day 3 more pictures

    Wed 26 Feb 2020
    More pictures of our day today!  Enjoy!